by | Dec 10, 2016 | Ranger News | 0 comments

Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom is being planned for Goddard School

A special invitation has been extended to participate in a project to bring more trees and other greenery into Carmel’s urban forest, reduce hardscape, and help create future generations of tree planters and environmental stewards.

As a key first step in creating this nature-rich learning environment, a two-hour design consultation will be held on December 28 & 29, 2016. Representatives from urban forest organizations are invited to attend on those days and offer their expertise.

If you are unfamiliar with the Nature Explore program, you are encouraged to view their introductory video at

Nature Explore’s landscape architect/educator design team, together with the program’s stakeholders, will design an effective learning environment for the children.

As Dan Lambe, Arbor Day Foundation president has said, “Bringing together the urban forestry and early childhood communities to create Nature Explore Classrooms is a great way to grow both urban forests and future tree planters.”

The design team would welcome whatever help and expertise you might provide. In other communities, stakeholders have advised on the best trees and shrubs to plant, and on tree-care issues. Some have proposed ways to obtain free or reduced-price trees and shrubs, sources of natural materials such as logs, or connections to community volunteers. However you might be able to help, we would appreciate it.

The design consultation will be held at:

Goddard School – West Carmel
10445 Commerce Drive
Carmel, IN 46032
Wednesday, December 28 from 9-11 am
Thursday, December 29 from noon-2 pm

To register your interest in attending, please email Kelsey Moline (Nature Explore Classroom Designer/Project Coordinator) at and let her know if you or a representative from your organization will be able to participate in the design consultation. If you have any questions, give her a call at the phone number below.

“Nature Explore is a collaborative program of the Arbor Day Foundation and Dimensions Educational Research Foundation. You and your peers all over America have done a superb job of advancing green initiatives. Your assistance in creating the Nature Explore Classroom will help insure that this great tradition continues, and that today’s children grow up to be the next generation of caring tree planters,” says Kelsey Moline.

Nature Explore
1010 Lincoln Mall, Suite 103
Lincoln, NE 68508
P: 402-467-6112 x118 | D: 402-474-7956